The Herd
Morgan Horse - 2000
Reno is the ranch's sweet, steady, grandpa. But don't be fooled by his old age! He still has quite the spunky personality, and almost enough energy to keep up with his younger herd-mates. When Reno isn't showing off to all the mares, he's busy being the gentlest kid's horse you will ever meet. He has taught many kids to ride at Acres of Hope.
Our youth describe Reno as: Joyful, Calm, Gentleman, Sweet, Caring, Fun, Loving, Kind, Old-man.
2024-2025 Sponsor: Kyle & Kristi Kalina
Quarter Horse - 2008
Dali is a tried and true trail horse. She is the happiest when she is outside. Dali can test new riders and make them work to prove themselves as her leader. Once you have her trust though, she's very loyal and willing to work hard! Dali can have a spunky, big personality. She tends to draw youth who match her level of spice, and yet she still loves a scratch and attention as much as the next horse.
Our youth describe Dali as: Spoiled, Energetic, Kimber's bestie, Nice, Calm, Sweet, Escape artist
2024-2025 Sponsor: Matt & Shiela Duluk
Norwegian Fjord - 1995
Henny is the momma of the Ranch. She has had 5 babies, and we are blessed to have two of them living at Acres of Hope. She is the oldest horse in our herd and gets to be partially retired. She has earned the nick-name Mama Missile for her fast pace. Henny is so patient and gentle with adults and youth alike. She definitely prefers people over other horses. She's always down for a snuggle or a good grooming session!
Our youth describe Henny as: Loving, Giddy, Receptive, Cute, Good-mama.
2024-2025 Sponsor: Terry & Anna Henson
Quarter Horse - 2013
Kimber is exceptionally empathetic. She feels everything that people around her are feeling. She is nurturing and has a strong desire to care for people when they are having big emotions. Kimber is the head of her herd, which can make her feel nervous sometimes as she wants to protect and care for the other horses. She is and all-around protector.
Our youth describe Kimber as: Understanding, Funny, Loving, Queen, Curious, Adventurous, Boss, Alert, Teacher, Coach
2024-2025 Sponsor: The Pegg Family
Norwegian Fjord - 2019
Aslan is finally old enough to join our session program this year! She is playful and stubborn. She is wicked smart and can be an escape artist! She is fun to spend time with, she loves people. She can be very sensitive and gentle.
Our youth describe Aslan as: Cute, Playful, Calm, Willing, Crazy hair.
2024-2025 Sponsor: Gracie San Diego Logan
Quarter Horse - 2011
Luna has helped a number of our youth learn to let people in. Luna can have walls up due to years of being in pain. Sometimes she is defensive of being touched because she is used to touch not feeling good. Our youth get to work to earn Luna's trust and show her that they want to love her and care for her. Many of our youth relate to Luna and connect to her in very special ways as they gain her trust and she gains theirs. She is one of a kind in the way she helps youth heal.
Our youth describe Luna as: Wise, Calm, Sweet, Nice, Attached, Beautiful, Gentle, Responsive.
2024-2025 Sponsor: Klopfenstein Custom Ag
Quarter Horse, Nez Peirce Cross - 2010
Regalo has a gentle spirit. He is laid back and curious. Regalo is known for loving attention and giving snuggles. He is playful and very inquisive, He is always up to try something new. If you can wake him up, that is...
Our youth describe Regalo as: Calm, Slow, Loving, Puppy like, Pleaser, Eager, Curious, Really nice, Tall, Pretty.
2024-2025 Sponsor: Jim & Natalie Warren
Quarter horse - 2014
Rewind is the newest addition to the Acres of Hope Team. He has a playful personality and is full of life! Rewind was trained as a reining horse, meaning he spent his early years chasing cows. He is exceptionally curious and energetic. He loves people and will likely greet you at his gate because he just can't wait to say hello.
Our youth describe Rewind as: Pretty, Sleepy, Fun, Friendly, Energetic, Playful.
2024-2025 Sponsor: None
Norwegian Fjord - 2021
Stanley was born right here on the ranch. As the youngest horse in our herd, Stanley doesn't really get to participate in sessions yet. But many of our youth love watching him play with his herd-mates and explore. He is still learning his manners, but is shaping up to be a very polite little man. Stanley is curious, and smart, and loves scratches.
Our youth describe Stanely as: Wizard, Great hair, Cute.
2024-2025 Sponsor: Megan & Nicholas Dahl
Quarter Horse - 2003
Chip is a very sensitive horse. He is a feeler. Chip has a strong ability to connect with youth and their emotions. His sensitivity can at times make him a bit jumpy or worried. But the empathy that he brings to the ranch is well worth it. Don't be surprised if he just wants to cuddle all day!
Our youth describe Chippers as: Chill boy, Energetic, Moose.
2024-2025 Sponsor: The Anderson Family