Help Our Kids
Acres of Hope is changing lives. Your donation allows every youth to participate in sessions at no cost to the families. Thank you for making this possible!
If you’d rather mail a donation, make it payable to
ACRES OF HOPE and send it to:
Acres of Hope Youth Ranch
6665 Rickreall Rd
Independence, OR 97351

Financial Info
Acres of Hope is a nonprofit organization classified as a 501 (c)(3) by the Internal Revenue Service. Our federal tax identification number is: 82-5147202.
We distribute contribution receipts via e-mail to every donor. Upon request we will mail a paper donation receipt. Email us if you would rather receive an annual contribution receipt only.
The Founders and Board of Directors endeavor to be wise stewards of all gifts as Biblically instructed. Please email usto request specific information about our financial information.